Wednesday, July 01, 2009

What's wrong with watching Movies by yourself?

I went to watch Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen on Opening Night, 24th June 2009.
I have asked quite a number of my friends to join me for a movie night but unfortunately everyone seems to be too busy and cant be bothered with watching Transformers on a weekday night.

It may seem that there goes my plans to watch Transformers on Opening Night but Nooo.. It suddenly came to... Why not watch it myself? No harm in doing that.. Right?!~
The friends whom i asked earlier to join me, eventually came back asking.. "So did you manage to get anyone else to go with you?" And my answer would be "No. But i will still be going, by myself."

Then comes this whole dialogue about going to the movies.. "By yourself? Are you crazy??"
Huh?! Crazy about what?? Transformers or going to watch a movie by myself?? Erm.. Then it dawned on me that they have never done that before and to them, watching a movie by yourself just seems.. Lonely and pathetic.. Geesh!!

Really?? Does it seem sad and pathetic? Which part?? The part where you have passion for something you really really like or love.. That by being different and putting yourself out there.. Seems sad and pathetic? Why is it that people think that if someone goes to a movie by themselves, they are actually sad and pathetic? Its not like you can talk at the movies.. Its not like you can have a full length conversation with your other half while watching a movie in the cinema.. Its also the fact that not everyone likes the same type of movies you like.. So what then? Are you going to put your life on hold just because you cant find someone to share the experience with??

When i ask these same questions back to my "friends" who called me crazy, they are totally stunned and speechless. Which made me realise, maybe these ARE the people who cant do things by themselves because they ARE afraid, scared, sad and pathetic.. Not being able to do something unless there is someone or anyone for that matter, who can be there for them.. and guide them.. and.. blah blah blah..

Call me crazy.. But i think its time to GROW UP!!~

On a lighter note, i think Transformers 2 rocks!! I thought i have seen it all.. The action.. the stunts.. the CGI images.. But Michael Bay just keeps coming back with more unbelievable ideas.. Oh god.. I can only dream of meeting him one day and picking his brain.. If you havent seen it, go watch it.. I highly recommend it!!

PS: There happened to be quite a number of people who went to watch T2 by themselves.. LOL.. If only we get time to meet and get to know each other.. LMAO..

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