Sunday, December 17, 2006

Russell Peters.. You so funny lah!!~

Yes i just came back from the Russell Peters show. He is so DAMN FREAKING hilarious!!~ I cant stop laughing the entire show. What's more my jaw hurts like crazy now from all the laughing!! Hahaha.. It was worth my $56.90! The show is non-stop laughter from supporting act, Angelo to Russell saying goodbye!~ You could feel that the audience was hung onto every word Russell had to say, every joke he was about to make.. And every single time we laughed our ass off.. I was pleasantly surprised he kicked off the show with an Arab joke. Seriously.. That guy is one messed up dude!!

I managed to buy his official DVD: Russell Peters Outsourced. Ive been wanting to get a hold on it ever since it was released. But of course eBay can be abit useless sometimes. The best thing about tonight was being able to talk to him in person and get his autograph. He did a short bit on Singaporeans about how we always use the word "LAH" and the fact that chewing gum is banned in Singapore. Hehe. Why am i not surprised?! Haha. His "LAH" imitations are pretty hilarious though. I wanted him to sign my full name because i dont want people to remember as NoN only. Cmon man! I got a nice full name!!~ You guys should know how to spell it!!? Right?!

Haha.. Im laughing now because Russell took awhile to spell my full name.. He was like "Oh! That was very NON-SPECIFIC of you!!" Wat the heck?! I cant help but smile!! I cant wait till the next time he comes to Melbourne!! Going to go for his show again!! Though I doubt he's gonna tour again anytime soon cause he's busy with his new show. Oh well.. At least I get to meet him.. You rock RUSSELL PETERS!!

Autograph session after the show!~

Got his DVD!!~
He spelt my name!!~ Hahaha..

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