Friday, December 15, 2006

Mel's Graduation..

Mel had her graduation ceremony yesterday. She was suppose to be there by 5pm but of course, being Mel, it took her forever to get ready! She didnt allow me to go but after alot of pestering, irritating her and begging, she eventually said i could go. But no, i didnt go for the ceremony itself. I just wanted to take pic with her in her graduation gown.

Clayton Campus was packed with graduating students. I was overwhelmed by the fact that I could be one of them in 2008, insyaallah. I only have 6 more units to go, 2 semesters, 1 year, 2007. I can only pray to God that I survive 2007 and excel in everything that I do. Anyway, I realise that graduation time are quite expensive. You have to pay for the photo shoot, the certificate frame, of course you need to get the graduation bear. And flowers. I bought Mel flowers but as always, Mel being Mel she refusese to bring them. If only Mummy was here to force everything upon her. Please Mummy, do not kill me. I did my best!! Though I have to admit, Mel looked good in makeup that day. Hehe.

So CONGRATULATIONS Melissa Chow Tze Mei!! You've graduated!! And also, congratulations to everyone else who is graduating!! You guys deserve the special day!! After all, Monash did cost a BOMB!!~ =p

Flowers for Mellie!!~

@ Campus Centre!~

Happy Graduation Melissa!!~

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