Monday, December 04, 2006

Melissa's 21st Birthday Party!!..

My flatmate, Melissa celebrated her 21st Birthday on Sunday, 2 days prior to her actual birth date. I had helped her researched through the long list of restaurants in Melbourne and finally found something suitable and something new... The restaurant was located in the city and was walking distance from Flinders Station.

It was a really good birthday party, especially since Rick managed to force a drink down Mel.. Hehe.. I guess highlights of the night was getting to see the Super Supremes perform @ Manchester Lane. They are so hilarious!! And also, we managed to see the Crown's Christmas decorations.. It wasnt that exciting, but still was pretty alright for Melbourne. And Mel did get her wish.. We got to leave on the last train for the night.. Hehehe..

Anyway, here are the pics.. Hehehe... Happy Birthday Mel!!~

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