Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Saying Goodbye..

I guess one thing about studying overseas in Australia and living here.. I make a lot of friends.. Well of course not straight away.. But somewhere along the line.. I meet people, be-friends with them.. And usually they tend to make an impact in my life.. And I can only hope that Ive made an impact on theirs as much as they did on mine..

I had to send off one of my friends that Ive only known for less than a year. She is really, really nice with a beautiful heart for everyone and everything. She always have the time to sit down and have a chat with me. And even though we aren't so close, she always, always seem to want to listen to my problems and just try and be there for me.. Shikin is someone who I wish I could have spent a little more time with and insyaallah our paths will meet one there in the near future.

I wish all the best Shikin in everything that you do.. And im pretty darn sure you'll be a great doctor!!~

Me & Shikin @ KFC

The ONLY Halal KFC in Victoria!!~

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