Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Neighbours...

This past few days have really sad for me.. It's kinda stupid though.. I think some of you might even laugh at me.. But yeah, I feel sad that my neighbours, the 5 guys who have been a part of my life for almost a year now are leaving and moving out..

It's funny how I never think that i'll be friends with them.. Who would have thought kan?! Hehe.. Unbelievable.. Hahaha.. I guess SEF will never be the same again.. We wont be living in in the 2nd Floor.. and Neither would the guys.. Next year, me & Mel wont be able to go over to the guys place when we are bored and frustrated at our flat.. I guess we have to move on with our lives eventually.. Im gonna miss my 5 neighbours and im pretty sure Mel will too!!...

They've all moving out by tomorrow, well except Sani (He going on Friday).. It's gonna be one rollercoaster weekend!!~

Me & Sani @ my Birthday Party!~

Me & Leong

Me & Lai

Me & Min - Hari Raya @ SEF Pavilion 2006

Me & Fahmi

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