Saturday, November 04, 2006

Kayu... Japanese Girl Poses..

Since most of us (as in the ones in my flat) dah habis exams.. We decided to go celebrate it by going makan @ Kayu.. No its not the Jalan Kayu back in Singapore.. That one is 24 hours.. Here only till 11pm lah.. Nonetheless, the name is Kayu. Hehehe.. I ate Nasi Kandar and Roti Tissue (In Singapore it's called Roti Kertas).. Ok ah.. Dah lama tak makan kad Kayu kan!! Hehehe.. So fun!! My friends in Berwick got teach me something new the other day.. The 10 different ways Japanese Girls always pose in front of the camera!! Hahaha.. Its so funny!! So dah ajar my flatmates kan, we keep playing it over and over again... Sampai record video kad Kayu.. Hahaha.. Here is the video!! Kelaka gila lah!!..

After Kayu, we went to Pinewood for grocery shopping kad Coles. Then we did it one more time!!! Hahaha.. Takde kerja seh.. Enjoy korang!!~

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