Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Exams OVER!!

Hey korang!!

Today Im just gonna brag.. My exams are over!! Finally!! I hope i get D or HD though I know i dont deserve it.. Ok lah.. I deserve at least a D ah.. Hahaha.. I am as ALWAYS the first in my unit.. I dont have to look for my number seat.. All i have to do is look for the yellow or pink post-it that will be attached to my table.. Cause that is where the first person seats.. Haiz.. You see back in Singapore i always laugh at the people who have to be the first few ones in the name list.. Now its my turn to be in the front.. *tsk tsk*

Went back home with Mellie.. She superstar lah today!! Walk like 5 feet only, got someone she know.. Have to wait for like 10min for the superstar to talk to her fans.. Hehe.. I feel so left out.. Today my exam only got 7 other people who take the same unit as me.. So i not popular lah today.. Haha.. Ok2.. Im rambling!! I have to finish my 3D assignment which i will prob fail again.. Oh GOD!! Help me lah...

Sing Star my place.. Tonight!! Sorry eh RA not at home... Hahahaha.. Any noise complains please call the other RAs..

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