Tuesday, November 07, 2006


One last time to hang out as a "gang" of South East Flats.. Some of them are graduating and going home.. Some moving out due to the increase in rent & the increase in scholarship funding... Some are flying off home.. So its one last time for us to "hang out" and just lepakz..

As always, I did most of the organising with my most reliable helper, Mellie!! BBQ started at about 6.20pm but the people came down at about 7.30pm. Just come for food.. Some of them still got exams lah.. But its ok.. The party ended kinda early though.. I think its because the food ran out and people still got exams lah.. Haiz.. Well.. I dont have the pics with me.. Dott has them all.. So wait for Dott to give to me.. *entah bila seh*

But yah.. SEF "gang" had their last event just now.. I feel so sad.. Insyaallah next year, SEF is going to continue to ROCK!!

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