Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Salam Aidilfitri 2008!~

I know this is abit late.. But SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI everyone!!

Celebrating it here in Melbourne has been kinda different this year.. Loads of unnecessary drama here and there..
But what is life like without drama, hey?!

I miss not having to cook for Raya and having my mom and aunt cook for me...
I miss taking wonderful Raya photos with my cousins...
I miss gg to Geylang for my Ramli Burger, otak-otak and just bumping into friends i havent seen for ages...
I miss that even though it is Week 3 in Syawal, only the ppl in Singapore & Malaysia are still celebrating Raya.. while its already tone down here in Melbourne..

Hehe.. But most of all, I miss just sitting at home and lepak-ing...

I hope you guys enjoyed your Raya as much as I did this year... 'till next year.. insyaallah..


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