Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Updates from yours truly...

Woah... My last entry was ages ago... Many things would have happened and gone since then.. Wouldnt it?!~ My apologies for not updating about my life here in Melbourne... Been too caught up with the whirlwind of events and emotional crap that blogging seems like a far distance agenda on my TO DO list.

I believe it's fasting month now and Muslims all around the world are embracing the month with loads of prayers and more importantly, food. I can hope that my prayers as well as yours get answered in this holy month, insyaallah.

Some minor, minor things to mention what I have done the past few months that has kept me occupied:

- The Monash International Students Ball (A pioneer event that was proudly chaired by yours truly)
- SEF CH Ball 2008 (A yearly affair for residents @ SEF)
- My new job (Which I wont say much about now...)
- My role as Acting College Head; while a new person is being hired & trained, I had to be in-charge for awhile... Which was kinda fun...
- Ruzi & Miin moving to Brunswick (The whole idea of travelling through the City makes me just wanna puke... Sorry guys!)
- Went to the Melbourne Zoo with Alia (Cause we had nothing else better to do...)

That's about it so far... I wanna go watch the latest MUMMY movie.. Anyone wanna come with?!

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