I'm not sure how many people actually read my boring blog. I have not spend time updating it because at the moment i am hooked onto Facebook. Hehe...
Ramadhan is starting tomorrow, insyaallah!~ I would like to wish all my Muslim brothers and sisters Good Luck with Ramadhan & May Allah bless you in this holy month!
I have spent the last few days working on my project for my Studio. I am working for a Client with my group. We have to produce DVD-ROMs for the Client, showcasing fetel heart abnormalities. I'm not a medical student nor was I ever a good Science student but the terms used in this project gets me more confuse than programming. Seriously, I probably have made more spelling mistakes than I ever made in my entire Uni life. Haha..
I also got my portfolio assignment back from my lecturer & of course, the grade wasnt that grade. Surprise! Surprise! Well, let me know what i need to change!~ I want to get a good grade the next time round!~
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