Thursday, August 30, 2007

Multimedia Anyone?!~

Taking a year off after my polytechnic years in Singapore, I have always thought that I will definitely be continuing my studies. I just didn’t know where and what to do.

It did not take me long to figure out where I want to study. In Australia, of course! But what did I want to do? Something IT-ish. I have always been fascinated by the wonders the IT world has to offer and I know, for sure, I will never get bored with doing IT. So the next few months were spent researching on what is the best IT course for me and which University to go to.

Programming? - NO WAY!!

Networking? - An option but not really. I’m quite tired of it actually.

Computer Science? - Erm.. Maybe not!!~

And then Multimedia came into the picture & I fell in love right away. You see, ultimately Multimedia gives you a broader pathway to go on in life. You get involve with graphics designing, animation, 3D, websites, databases, flash, director, movies, short stories, script writing, games, programming, business, video and sound editing, project management, directing. The list just goes on and on.

Not many Australian Universities offer the course, hence making my choices of Universities limited. Finally, it was a struggle between Deakin Uni & Monash Uni. (Let’s just focus on Monash) The Multimedia degree at Monash offered 4 majors:

Applications (which is the main one)

Enterprise (includes Business components)

Games Development (create games, games & more games!) and

Programming (the name says it all!!).

After more mind torture of what to take, I settled with majoring in Enterprise because I was interested in doing the Business aspects of it without having to actually do a Business degree as well, which this course allows me to do so.

Voila! In six months, I have chosen my course, Bachelor of Multimedia Systems (Enterprise) and the University I’ll be studying at, Monash University, Berwick campus. Now comes the hardest part: Convincing my parents I will be fine in Australia, by myself, in the next 2 ½ years.

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