Saturday, January 07, 2006

Here is something to think about...

Would you ever date someone who your best friend is currently having a crush on?
Would you ever tell your best guy/girl friend that you are falling in love with him/her?
Would you ever declare your love to a perfect stranger after knowing him for only 24 hours?
Would you ever consider in going after your best friend's ex?
Would you ever go for your best friend's ex after asking her/his permission?
Would you be a backstabber & steal your friend's boyfriend/gf?
Would you and your best friend fight over the same guy/girl even though both of you are still unsure if the relationship will ever work out?
After your best friend have stolen your bf/gf, would you ever find it in your heart to forgive your friend?
Would you be best friends with your ex after he/she have done what he/she did?
Would you sacrifice ALL your friends for the guy/girl of your dreams?
Would marrying the rich & handsome guy make you happy or the poor & not-so-handsome guy that loves everything about you?
Would you want your friends to tell you if there is something you should know about your two-timing boyfriend/gf?
Have you ever thought of asking your best friend how she/he is feeling, instead of you waiting for her/him to approach you?
Have you ever thought that your best guy/girl friend might be in love with you?
Have you ever thought that there is more to life than just your boyfriend/gf?

So how many have you answered yes or no?? But seriously, have you really thought about it?!

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