Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Random thoughts...

Too many things would have happened to me since my last blog entry...
And no.. I wouldnt want to bore you or myself as to what happened.

Though I have been stressing about many things. And come to think about it, some are actually quite stupid. Non, Non... Learnt a few things about myself.. That I need my dosage of watching movies, else I would start thinking about what to watch.. That I bite back my tongue too many times and shouldnt give in all the time.. That Im great at organising BUT I dont have an organized room.. That I can insyaallah, stay by myself in my own apartment w/o fear.. That i still have to learn who i can trust and who i cant... And finally, that I really love my car!!~

wwoooo hooo..

PS: Happy, happy Burfday Wuzi!!!!~~

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