Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Presents...

I got a couple of presents for my birthday & i'm EXPECTING more from my other frens who has not given to me.. Hehe *tak tahu malu*.. You guys know who you are!!

These are what I got so far:-

CT & my aunt: SWATCH bracelets with 3 extra charms!~

Mel, Mun, Alia, Aida (my flatmates) & Amy: Sarah Jessica Parker's perfume - COVET

Ruzi, Shermaine, Raudz, Daffy, Cha2, Miin, Nath: IPOD Auto kit for my car & Flowery notebook

Shirley & Kevin: Sportsgirl On-the-Go Makeup

Cassie: 2 Peach Bracelets

Thanks guys!!~ Love them all!!~

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