Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!~

Yeah I'm officially 23 right now.. Thanks to all those who have welcome me to the 23 club!~

I didnt do much on my birthday. I had to go to Uni for a meeting & then get ready for Hari Raya. The rest of the day/night was spent doing stuff for the Raya party tomorrow. My friends from Berwick did a VERY sweet surprise by showing up with a cake for me @ 12.30am this morning. It totally blew me away cause Berwick is a 20min drive to Clayton & they did that JUST FOR ME!~ I was mixing batter for my Chocolate Chip cookies when the door bell rang!! Thank GOD Mun didnt come out & scream @ us!! Hehehe..

I love my Berwick peeps to bits.. They are SOooOooo sweet!~ And of course, i didnt know of it SO i wasnt really dressed up. Hehe.. Thank you RUZI, DAFFY, SHERMSTER & NICOLA for coming all the way down!! Thanks RUZI for organising it! It must have taken you awhile!!~...

Thank you to my flatmates also who took the time to get a cake for me. I know we have all been SOO busy. It's been NUTS!!~ Thanks guys for putting in the effort!~

I spent the rest of my bday cooking curry for Raya!.. Haiz.. Turning 23 isnt that great after all!!~

Nice cakey!~

So chocolatey kan?! Hehehe...

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