Sunday, November 12, 2006

Shirley & Kevin's Last Night In Melbourne 2006

It wasn't really their last night in Melbourne for 2006. Because they had to go and stay overnight at their aunt's place, I decided we should have one last dinner (@ La Porchetta) before they actually go off on Sunday. Haiz.. Im gonna miss Shirley.. Not so much Kevin lah.. Hahaha.. Just kidding!!

It's been a good year hanging with them!! Though we didnt live in the same flat, we still get to see each other alot.. Especially during functions and time hanging out.. I think it takes two to be in a relationship, no matter what kind of relationship it is.. If one of us have decided not to meet, then we probably wouldnt have such a close friendship.. aawww...

I always LOVE the flowers they have @ La Porchetta!!~

Shirley & Kevin...

Me & Mellie!!..

Mel is regretting staying 1 more yr with me!! =(

Bon Bon Desserts.. YUMMY!!!~

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