Sunday, September 24, 2006

1st Day of Puasa

Ahhh.. First day of Ramadhan is here!! Time to start puasa-ing.. I can only thank God that I can puasa and need not miss out the first few days of Ramadhan!! In Australia, the day to start puasa is abit confusing.. Cause some say need to follow the anak bulan.. Then some say just go with the flow.. I also don't know.. My cousin in Perth say she puasa on Monday.. My friends here say Imam in masjid say puasa on Sunday.. Saturday night was so kecoh.. I practically SMS everyone i know to ask what they going to start puasa... *tsk tsk*

So anyway, first day of puasa wasnt too bad lah... Since it was a Sunday, spent my time at home, trying to do work.. Hahaha.. In the end I helped my mom buat Kentang Ball!! I miss Kentang Ball in Singapore.. Hehe.. I just realise that the timing of buka changes everyday.. Ape seh!! Kecian tau kita org... Why is Australia so far away from the equator?! Haiz...

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