Sunday, August 27, 2006


Now that Im a volunteer with Monash Sports for Trips & Tours, I get to do some travelling for free! I was hoping to be able to go somewhere where ive never been before. Hehe.. For my first volunteer trip I had to go the Grampians. I went there last year, paying the full price of $55. Now that it's free.. I dont mind going! Hehehe.. Nothing else much to say except that I made some new friends!!

My new friend, Liz from Texas who has been Asian-tised!!~ *LOL*

Just me posing!! AS ALWAYS!!!..

The after effect of the bush-fire!!

Da 4 volunteers for that day!

Look at all the burnt trees...

Doesnt this look like a table & chair?!

Jaws of Death!!

A close-up of the forest fire!

I just like this shot!

Me & Liz heading down to MacKenzie Falls..

Some of ma new frens!!

Org hidup dalam gua!! Hahaha..

Isnt that shot just beautiful?!

Scenery on da way back home..

Kangaroos running away from us!!

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