Monday, May 15, 2006

So its another "BRAND" new week here @ Monash University, Australia. HECK!! It's a "BRAND" new week everywhere else in the world... *this actually depends on which day you think a week starts, Sunday or Monday*.. Anywho, i am up doing work for my tutorial *yah right.. im more like blogging right now* and realising that exams are but 3 weeks away... ooooOOOoooOOooooOOoo.. Exams.. Yes the time where you stay up late @ night, burning the midnight oil, just so you could crap in those extra notes into your tiny, micro brain is DEFINETLY here again.. It is also THAT time where you get into *well i do actually* cranky moods and you just want to grab life, scream your head off and shake it soooo hard that you might just *i dont know* die?? because you dont seem to understand what FUCK is going on??!!!! It is also THAT time where i wont have the time to do my other routine such as cook, do the laundry, WORK and some say sleep.

Yes, the time is just around the corner... I can SMELL it!!... The sweet, awful smell of EXAMS!! But dont worry.. I am more than prepared.. Coffee has been topped up... Maggi supplies should be sufficient... Microwavable meals in the freezer... A stack of instant cook meals are in the cupboards... OH WAIT!!... Now if only i have the time to go and buy these groceries... DAMMIT!!~

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