Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ahhh... 4 days left before i have to leave this homeland of mine & go continue pursue my studies.. It has been a very very hectic past few days.. Mainly because of the packing.. Dont get me wrong.. I love to travel!! I love the packing.. but then again, maybe not to go back to Melb cause it seems im bringing my whole world from Sin to Melb.. GEESH!! I cant believe i have THAT many stuff.. & that i bought THAT many GOD knows what i bought... haha.. Be prepared for my enormous luggage ppl!!~ Ok.. just because i get a bigger room doesnt mean i should bring my entire wardrobe seh.. k2.. i didnt.. seriously.. i just left half of it.. and bought more stuff!!! YIPEEEEE!!~

So here's the funny part.. You know my family got 2 big luggages.. One red *for me to bring to Melb*.. one Green *which actually belongs to me but cause its big, my parents took it*.. so anyway.. i was suppose to be bringing back the red, big one & my Kipling bag, of course!! One thing abt my Kipling bag is tat i can squeeze alot of things inside.. and i mean.. stuffing them all in.. But then, my mom decides i shd bring the green bag instead of the red.. So on Monday, there i was transferring the stuff on the red to the green.. Next day, she decides i should not bring my Kipling bag but instead the red one.. So here i go transferring the stuff from Kipling to the red one.. K2.. All in.. More space!!! YEAH!!.. What happens next?! The bag decided to give way.. Actually it already has given way when i returned from Melb. So yeah.. whatever!!~ So now, my parents decided that i should get a new bag.. Meaning THEY are getting a new one while I have to transfer back the stuff to the Kipling bag. OH My GOD!! What a load!!!~ And in addition to all these happening.. it was THAT time of the month again.. Where i got my rarely-get-every-mths cramps.. YES!! They have decided to hit me this month.. THE WORST TIME possible!!!! Plus, im having DA FLU!!! I think.. My nose keeps running away from me... HATE IT!! HATE IT!!!

And then, every 5 min ppl are msging me to meet up.. *not really, jus exaggerating abit!!* ARGH!! Ok.. now i feel soooo guilty for nt getting around to spend some time with my mates.. Oh man!!! How?! How did this happen??! And i thought i had it ALL planned out... 2 1/2mths in Sin shd be able to allow me some time to get some bonding with ma frens.. Oh gosh.. im sooooo sorry guys for letting you down.. yeah.. yeah.. i noe.. im an ass.. *sobs* Keep saying that NoN.. remind yourself!!! So seriously guys.. i love you guys alot!! k?! Just because i dont meet u guys, doesnt mean i dont love ya, k?! Hehe.. Hugs to all ma frens!!! Without you guys, i wldnt be the person that i am today.. And know that im always here for you.. Get me on MSN, anytime.. Nudge me ALOT!!! K?! Geesh.. now i feel like an ass.. seriously.. *SIGH*

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