Sunday, November 20, 2005

It was a MAD RUSH to go home!! YES!! Im finally back!! Alive & kicking.. KINDA lah.. Woke up a tad late *as always*.. Rushed like hell over to my place after overnight-ing @ Mun, Eisya & Mel's.. Packed like crazy with whatever is left.. Brought over so many things to Mel's & my many thanks to Fio & Amni for letting me stash my stuff!!!.. SO SORRY girls!! Managed to squeeze soooo many stuff into my luggages and boxes!! And yes, i have loads of food leftover which Mun & Eisya so kindly helped to clear out from the cupboards & fridge!! Thanks guys!! My airport shuttle bus was @ 11.45am.. Time check was 11.15am.. With the kind help of Eisya & Mun, we dragged my luggages across the road, to the bus-stop with jus enough time to take a breather before the shuttle bus arrived. It was early siak!!~ Haiz.. Hugs for each friend im gonna miss & off i went.. Wow!! Im going home!! Cant believe it was really happening!!~ I have finally decided to go back this date after thinking about it for weeks!!~ My thanks to Ita for putting up with me!! And my decision was also based on the surprise birthday bbq that was held for Mel!!~

My flight was scheduled for 1700hrs.. So tat means check-in time is 1400hrs.. Since i reached the airport like 12.45pm that means i had to wait for awhile before im able to check-in. Cleared and re-packed some stuff.. After checking-in, head straight to the depature hall so that i can watch my precious VERONICA MARS!!~ And yes ppl, if you dont know by now, i AM ADDICTED TO VM!!~ Hehe.. The plane ride was kinda cranky cause there's all these white kids going off backpacking to GOD knows where.. They are kinda rowdy & disturbing my peace!! Hanging out @ the back area to "chill & meet people".. I would just LOVE some peace & quiet.. Thank god I got a nice Japanese girl beside me!!~ Upon arrival in Singapore airport, i had no welcome party.. cause yes, no surprise here!! Ma frens were late!!!~ We took some pics.. YES!! @ the airport itself, in front of loads of people!! Some things never change, huh?!

Finally, went home!!~ Managed to scare the shit out of ma parents!!~ Pretty proud of myself for doing tat!!~ Haha.. Thanks guys for helping me out!!~ Love ya loads!! *HUGS*

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