Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy Birthday Singapore!~

For the first time in - I have no idea how many years - I watched the Singapore National Day parade. Even though, it was from my new Macbook, webcast from the Internet... It was still the National day parade. There were a few things that I was actually looking forward to see.

The many songs that I grew up listening to like Stand Up for Singapore and some of the Chinese and Indian songs that I learnt at HGS... Those were the memories.. hehe..
Ok.. so this is one time of the year when I feel patriotic enough to say that I am proud to be a Singaporean.. Yes.. just once a year is fine.. But then again, I cant help it if I am a Singaporean, living in Australia.. a Malay Singaporean... who alhamdulillah is well accepted in another country, when she isnt accepted in Singapore.. tsk tsk..

Once again, Happy Birthday Singapura!!~

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